Quacks treatment affect more serious than recovery at Gajapati

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi-Despite all attention taken on primary health care with free treatment at CHCs still life is on danger where untrained & unrecognised quacks hovering to grasp among those innocent villagers without any knowledge on treatment. Villager’s too building faith despite streaming huge amount for treatment too.
Recently at Kashinagar in 12th ward a boy too trapped for treatment by such quack. By wrong diagnosis through an injection suddenly that boy was serious & taken to nearest CHC at Kashinagar. But doctors referred him to DHH Paralakhemundi. Doctors tried their best & boy recovered.
This indeed gruelling throughout district mainly interior blocks like Gumma,Kashinagar,Nuagada,Gosani,Rayagada,RUdayagiri,Mohana those hand to mouth villagers under those unskilled quacks even dared to stream their hard earnings.
Need of sensitization in grassroots & village level health crews must be prompted to eclipse from danger of life & death among villagers instead of being trapped. High doses of medicines implicating serious than recovery for patients (?).Let district administration & Police unless alerted to take step against those goons survival of lives among such ignored villagers will be more danger.