Prof.PC Pattanaik deliberates on Linguistics at the Media Writing Workshop held CUO.

Korraput:Language, the need of nation.
The three day workshop on media writing organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Central University of Odisha, Koraput concluded today with Professor P.C. Pattanaik deliberating as the resource person. Prof Pattanaik, a former Professor of the Department of MLIS & LS, University of Delhi, is currently serving as Rajiv Gandhi Chair Professor for Tribal Studies at the Central University of Odisha.
Dr. Sourav Gupta, Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication started the proceedings by delivering the welcome note. Prof P C Pattanaik being a specialist in sociolinguistics, talked about the importance of language formation and translation. Quoting “what is very important and urgently needed is language” he shared with us the mantra “think less, analyse more and analyse less, apply more”.
Dr. P. K. Rath, Assistant Professor, delivered the vote of thanks, Mr. Telaram Meher , Faculty, DJMC coordinated the event and it was anchored by 2nd year student Suparjya Swain. It was attended by PhD research scholars & PG students of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Dr. Gupta, the HoD, informed that the workshop was conducted to hone the language skills particularly writing skills of the students. Prior to this two more sessions were conducted with Prof J B Pandey and Prof Himanshu Mohaptra as the resource persons.