Proclaimed Offender Sankar Behera Caught by Berhampur Police (?).


Berhampur,21/05/23:Talks about a Proclaimed Offender is the person who absconding from the court proceeding where the court announces the particular individual as a transmitted offender and guides the concerned law enforcement authorities to capture the individual and in the court proceeding and make him stand under the watchful eye of the court.
It may be underline, a proclaimed offender procedure is a judicial process by which the person is declared a criminal and instructs the police officers concerned to arrest the person and to show to the court.
On Sunday early one Sankar Behera @ Koka ,s/o Raju Behera ,10th lane ,Nehru Nagar Berhampur a hardcore criminal who absconding last many years by throwing polished sands on Police eyes was Caught by Gosaninuagaon Police (?).
Notably, On 7 October 2006 , Sankar Behera along murdered one Ganesh Sahu due to previous enmity near the Berhampur railway station. Berhampur government railway police registered murder case and investigated. which converted to Berhampur GRPS case no – 25 dated 7-10-2006 u/s 302/34 rw 27 Arms act 9(b) Indian explosives act .
In the year 2013 he was involved in Gosaninuagaon PS case no 11 dated 29/1/2013 us 302/34 IPC. He got bail in the year 2016. He did not attend trail and NBW was issued against him in the year 2021 .
As the accused was absconding for many years, as per procedure Proclamation and Attachment procedure was prayed to the court which was received. Basis on the court order On 19 May 2023 Attachment procedure was undertaken against Sankar Behera.