PRIVITTI’21 The Annual Business Conclave
Bhubaneswar:School of Commerce, XIM University (New Campus), Odisha, hosted its annual business conclave, PRIVITTI’21 on 9th October 2021. The theme for the Conclave was ‘Interaction of Market and Economy’ The event was brought to us by InfinX- The Finance Committee from the School of Commerce. Ayantica Dhar – the Student Coordinator of Infinx, the functional committee of School of Commerce, XIM University- New Campusstarted the event by welcoming the dignitaries and the students. She then welcomedProf P.K Mohanty, Dean, School of Commerce, XIM University (New Campus), Odishato address the people attending the conclave. Hespoke about the importance of the market and the economy, and how all the bureaucrats, professionals have to work together to tackle the issues. The Introductory speech was given by Fr. Antony R Uvari, S.J, Vice-Chancellor, XIM University, (New Campus), Odisha. He started his speech by praising how the vision of the school is in alignment with the vision of the university and promotes the creation of resilient leaders – which is the need of the hour amidst the covid 19 pandemic and climate change scenarios.He concluded by the inauguration of the Business conclave of School of Commerce, Privitti’ 21. The eminent speakers for the event were:
Mr. Nikhil Nath – He shed light on how monetary policies act as a driving factor for investors in the stock market and how heavily dependent investors are on those policies.
Mr. Bhavesh Thakkar – He shed light on the impact that corporate actions have not just affected the functioning of an economy but also on the individual lives of the people in that economy.
Mr. Hanuman Joshi – He mainly focused on the real estate sector, its practical exposure, its valuation BEIT & M&A. He also focused on the need of these real estate valuations, the methodology in RE, REIT, and its structure. Further, he mentioned the benefits of framing trust, funding & acquisition of assets. He also highlighted the relevant points on M&A in real estate.
Mr. Biswa Ketan Das – He gave an overview of the govt. Policies, the fiscal policies, the green field, and the brownfield project and its expansion to achieve 5 million $ economy. He also talked about the liquidity surplus which estimates to approx. 9lakh crore, unicorns, focused on the corporate market behavior and that knowledge economy is the key economy for India keeping in view its fast growth. He also added how growth in banking is completely interlinked with the growth in the economy.
The conclave commenced at 10 AM, and the speakers for panel 1 were Mr. Nikhil Nath-RFP Team Leader, Fidelity International, andMr. Bhavik Thakkar-Chief Executive Officer, Abans Investment Managers.
Post the lunch break the event resumed at 2 PM with the speakers of panel 2 – Mr. Hanuman Joshi – Heading Mergers & Acquisitions, Embassy Group, and Mr. Biswa Ketan Das – Chief Executive Officer, IIBF.
The event was concluded with a Q&A session where the students raised pertinent questions to the panel, making the session interactive and insightful, followed by the vote of thanks to the speakers, faculty members, and everyone who contributed to its smooth functioning and flawless execution.