Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi,13/03/20:COVID-19 Meeting held at Collectorate chaired by Anupam Saha Collector of Gajapati where SP Sarah Sharma,ADM Gyanaranjan Bhanjadeo, Sub-Collector Sangram Sekhar Panda with district & block officials attended.
Through PPT by ADMO(F&W)presented on various symptoms and remedial measures on Corona. To take all vigil action Precautions at DHH & all 7 CHCs of blocks under Gajapati where Isolation Wards to be opened immediately. It is decided to close all schools & colleges till 31st March as per State Government order except concern Examination dates.
Besides that all Gyms, swimming pools to be closed till above date. People are requested not to be assembled in any open platform together & make distance either to check & control of expected Corona affect.
Self & one to one awareness to be built particularly remote areas like Gajapati to empower their best health practices. Prevention to be started from home to use all self clothes, time to time hand wash is imminent for checking such air & water borne affect. Do’s & DON’T s on detail apprised to all in this meeting.