Preparatory Meeting for Swamy Vivekanand Message Filled Vehicle

Paralakhemundi-On behalf of Swamy Vivekanand Kanyakumari branch,a get together organized at Saraswati Sishu Vidya Mandir Presided by Convenor Bhagabat Padhi, among others Nilakshi, Kedarnath Panda, Bighneswar Das, Sugyanchand Brahma, Ranjan Mahanty, Seetaram Pradhan & among students Mahalaxmi Mahapatra, Rupali Rath, Rajeswari Swain & Payal Patra attended the meeting. It is decided to form a committee to welcome message filled vehicle of Swamy Vivekanand on 17th January 2023,where college students will be invited to share their feelings.Besides that discourse of great legend to be disseminated among students to empower their shinning vision.Students shared their experiences & promised to carry forward messages of Swamy Vivekanand among their friends to bring discipline & tranquility.Mahalaxmi Mahapatra conveyed vote of thanks.