Police Station Corridor not a Badminton Court (?).

Manoj Kanta Dash,Odishabarta
Burglars hit on Scribes House in Berhampur City (?)

5T Initiative :-
Team work:- How an officer at Police station can encourage a collaborative atmosphere in the workplace collectively.
Technolog:-If a case remains undetected for 21 days, the final form will be automatically reflected at the Crime and Criminal Tracking Networks and Systems (CCTNS). This will help citizens
Transparency:-One of the major problems faced by the public while lodging FIR in theft cases within the jurisdiction Police station issue, The public can directly lodge FIR or Online in a hassle-free manner. This will ensure transparency and fix accountability in case of any undue delay in getting justice. Ensuring transparency and delivering hassle free services to the people and to prevent harassment to the people at Police station
Transformation :- transformation in police department, that government is receiving feedback on police activities from the districts.
Time limit:- With an aim to ensure convenience of citizens and timely access to public services under the 5T charter of Odisha Government has set time limit for disposal of various public services faster.
Miscreants Fled with Gold Ornaments by Breaking open an Almirah
Berhampur:In the midst of night in Berhampur Silk City, unidentified miscreants broke the main entry gate of a Journalist Anantaram Pradhan house and decamped with valuables (Gold and Silver.
Pradhan lives in Raghunath Nagar, Khajurila Road,Berhmapur the outskirt of Berhampur Municipal area.
According to his FIR at Gosaninuagaon Police station he stated around 7 tola Gold and 6 tola Silver stolen by burglars.
Soon after the message speeded in social Media (Whatsup group) Gosaninuagaon Police registered a case vide the case No:0123dated 13/05/23 u/s.457 and 380 started probe into the mishap.
While matter appraised to the SP,Berhampur by many scribes and to the SDPO City within no time the scientific team deployed to the crime spot with Police dog squad to ascertain the crime clue.
But most surprisingly neither the Inspector in Charge of Gosaninuagaon Police station visited the Crime Spot nor interacted with the Victim till date (!).
On the above a Senior Officer told in any nature of Crime this is mandatory the Inspector in Charge bound to visit the Crime spot as per Police manual (?).
On last Wednesday (17//5/23) a Press meet invited by SP, Berhmapur regarding successful detection of a Murder case. After the press meet many Media Persons including Victim Anatharam Pradhan all they unanimously requested to SP to expedite of mishap and to take appropriate investigation.
In reply SP said “sure definitely we will detect the case as soon as possible and Police on job.SP too gave moral support and consolation to Pradhan, the Victim.
How long a Public /Complainant shall wait at Police station “Varanda”for an appointment with the Inspector in Charge (?) .
In compliance with the state government’s 5T initiative the limit have set 20 minutes as the maximum waiting time for a complainant/Visitors to meet the inspectors in-charge (IIC)s of police stations.
Why we sighted, the day of Burglary occurrence Pradhan the Victim been to Police station to meet with IIC at evening hours with an expectation just get a moral support and in anticipation of police encouragement and send his visitors slip to IIC.He could not get any calling Bell of his appointment around 3-4 hours he detained (?).
Lastly matter was communicated to the SP of such mental punishment.
In receipt of the message SP deputed SDPO, City and soon arrival called the victim and discussed widely assured him “nothing to worry we shall try our level best to make you happy”.
when we felt Since the mishap already over one week, on Saturday we tried to know the development of the case from the IIC, to the official CUG No 94389 16859 of Gosaninuagaon PS but the number is not answered (!) failing which later understood number is blocked (?).’
Without finding any alternative to get the exact updates we met Saturday evening with SP, Berhampur and repeat the same matter. In his reaction he said it may take some time but definitely we will detect the case. Let’s Hope for the Best.
Notably, On last Thursday the above factual brought to the knowledge of IGP (SR) for his information.

Similarly another Burglary took place on Friday late night in the business establishment (Maa Narayani Winding Works under Bada Bazar Police limit owned by Sanjay Panda a Video Journalist . Soon getting the information SDPO,(City) along with Inspector in Charge,Bada Bazar and police team rush to the spot with immediate effect and started their prompt investigation.
An officer said, no complaint in this connection yet received, no FIR has been lodged but the police probe started in different point of view including to find any CCTV footage of the nearby areas. We are confident we shall nab the miscreants. At present we are not in a position to disclose since the investigation continuing.