Parala MLA Disgusted on Covid-19 Interventions

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta

Paralakhemundi-On a press meet called by MLA Paralakhemundi, K.Narayan Rao, lamented on various steps taken by Gajapati district administration. He retorted that though lakhs of funds streaming for Covid hospital, but drinking water supply deprived for patients. How many such hospitals activated & list of doctors engaged not quantified. He tried to get information but in vein.

 Nor how many positive cases detected(?) and list of succumbed cases given so far.

Rather those positive case patients have to strand long time. Even one referral case yesterday to Berhampur too not taken care,for which he succumbed, though a frontline warrior of Gajapati district. Regarding transparency & accountability still a question on allocated funds for Covid-19,yet to be maintained.

He guessed on under current or racket behind such allocated fund expenditure of people’s revenue.