Orphans Excelled with Merits on HSC at Gajapati

Paralakhemundi-Last Titli cyclone & Covid-19 havoced those families & even several bread earners lost their lives at Gajapati district.So district administration came forward on their support for those victims who became orphans. Their education & rehabilitation taken care through various Institutes for their free boarding. Among them on last HSC examination those students scored in between 70℅ to above 90℅.Out of 20 students all passed successfully on last HSC Examination. One among them secured A2, where 10 students with B1. Those A2 & B1 students are the victims on Titli cyclone where they made orphans.On last Covid-19 too, among 8 students,one student who has been rehabilitated under PMCare at Bhubaneswar named Adam Joseph belongs to backward Nuagada block of Gajapati district secured A1 with 93℅.Among those 20 boarders 4 are from Vivekanand Residential Care at SUkhura, 4 from SriJagannath Niketan at RSitapur, 3 from Nisan Salem Home of Paralakhemundi, 4 from Pride of BSitapur & 5 from Star Day Home at Mohana. ADM(Revenue) Birendra Kumar Das complimented those successful students for their great feat at SriJagannath Niketan Institute. Among others DCPO Arun Kumar Tripathi & management staff were present. This brought great glory for the district. Now on summer vacation for those 75 orphan students computer training & essay practice will be continued to warm up them.