BERHAMPUR: Social activist Mr. Biswambar Patro of Ganjam alleged against Tahasildar and Sub Registrar of Konisi on violation of OLR Sec 8A and ORERA.Patrao demand or free and fair inquiry before the Ganjam Collector and demand for immediate stringent action if someone found corrupt.
in his statement and submitted he submitted a layout named as “Ananta Basudev Nagar” made on most potential agriculture lands meant for real estate business(Plotting propose) over a land area of more than Ac 8.00 at Konisi Mouza under Konisi Tahasil and sought the map itself is self explanatory too.

That, said layout made over Plot No categorical mention in his representation that,1241,1246,1139,1248,1250,1251,1245,1140,1240,1153,1239,1247,1155,1156,1231,1233,1237,1141,1232,1234,1235,1242,1151 & 1154 consisting around eight acres of agriculture land violating the OLR Sec 8A without conversation to Gharabari Kissam before changing the characteristics’ of land for selling of plots. That, the changing of characteristics’, construction of roads and segregation of plot sizes has made over the said lands and near about 222 plots demarked (15 feets × 60 feets) sizes have developed for sale.
As the development has made since one year back so willingness, knowledge and involvement of Tahasildar Konisi and his companion RI Konisi circle cannot be over ruled.
As the patch of land/layout with in the distance of 0.5 kilometeres from NH-59, so the govt exchequer has loosed the revenue to the tune of Rs 24 Lakhs towards premium amount for conversation to Gharabadi Kissam @ Rs.3.00 Lakhs per acre of land. Besides that, no objection has obtained from surrounding land owners for any obstacles of irrigation, movement of men, animal and agriculture implementation. And most important lapses made on the said layout is the area of lands on which the roads are shown and constructed not handed over to Govt and not officially recorded in the Govt record and map.
Further, it is alleged that more than 100 plots have already sold out of 222 plots earmarked in the layout, but while registration, the Sub Registrar, Konisi not a single plot have been shown as Road on any one of its four boundaries but shown as Danda/Land only to escape from ORERA rules and regulations by back door deal of Rs.5000/- for each plot of registration. While going through Bhulekh Odisha it is found that no plot/s nos. mentioned above has boundaries like Danda but Sub Registrar Konisi created himself own as “Danda” on each plot’s(as per layout) registration by misusing his influenced power for his pecuniary benefit.
As the offence/ crime made by both Tahasildar and Sub Registrar of Konisi is very grave in nature, so no leniency shall be taken in to and to be visited with stringent action as per forced law of service rule applicable them respectively and lodge FIR at Berhampur Vigilance u/s 120(B), 420 of IPC and u/s 7, 12 and 13(2) of Prevention of Corruption Act’1988 for the interest of State’s justice., also Patro informed to Secretary, ORERA BBSR, Director Odisha State Vigilance Cuttack and SP Vigilance Berhampur for information and immediate action.