One Wild life Criminal Held by STF

Bhubaneswar:On the basis of reliable information, STF team conducted a raid with the help of Deogoan Territorial Forest Range officials under Baolangir Forest Division Dist. Bolangir near village Gudvela PS. Tusura of Bolangir district regarding illegal possession of Elephant Tusk by wild life criminals on 07.12.2021, as a result of which one accused person namely Bipul Bag S/o. Laxman Bag of Nimusingh PO. Ghuna PS. Tusura Dist. Bolangir was apprehended. During search, 01 (One) Elephant Tusk and other incriminating materials were seized from his possession. On measurement the weight of tusk was around 9 kg. The accused person could not produce any valid authority in support of possession of such Elephant Tusk, for which he has been detained and handed over to Bolangir forest officials for necessary legal action at their end. Investigation is on.
Since 2020, Special drive against the wildlife criminals/poachers have been launched, STF has seized as many as 21 nos Leopard skin, 12 nos Elephant Tusk, 02 deer skin, 08 live pangolin and 15 kg pangolin scales and arrested 48 wild life criminals.