DELHI:It refers to welcome announcement by Union Finance Minister on 14.05.2020 announcing One Nation – One ration Card for complete country. It will serve multiple purposes if Aadhar Cards of every family-member are linked to the proposed nation-wide Ration-Card linking with a wider nation-wide computerised data-base. Proposed ration-card may be made compulsory for all families in the country like Aadhar Card though not compulsory, but has become necessity for all citizens. Birth and death in the family may be auto-registered in proposed Ration-Card through recorded births and deaths in hospitals and crematoriums. Provision can be made for downloading duplicate or modified Ration Card from website also.
Huge rush of people from all income-groups including those who took advantage of relief-amount of rupees 500 deposited in Jan-Dhan accounts emerged to purchase liquor when liquor-shops were opened days after lockdown period started. Liquor may also be sold only on proposed nation-wide Ration-card. All benefits of government-provided freebies and subsidies either by central or state governments may be withdrawn if any one in the family registered on family Ration-Card purchases liquor on the ration-card.
Likewise similar other features can be incorporated in the proposed Ration-Card to abolish misused freebies and subsidies by central and state governments. For example, LPG subsidy if availed by more than one family-members or total annual family-income exceeding rupees ten lakhs, can then be auto-withdrawn If properly introduced, proposed Ration-Card can also be effectively used to check tax-evasion by compulsorily registering all luxury-purchases through proposed Ration-Card.
Input;Mr Subash