One Crore Business Recorded on Pallishri Mela Stalls of Gajapati Ustav

Paralakhemundi-5 days marathon Gajapati Ustav bid adieu on 23rd December 2023.On last day MP Chandrasekhar Sahu,Director of Mission Shakti Poonam Guha Tapas Kumar graced as guests where Purnachandra Mahapatra as chief speaker.
Presided by Chairman of Gajapati Ustav Cultural Council cum Collector Smrutiranjan Pradhan graced on dias.Speakers highlighted on those commitments to make successful of long 5 days Gajapati Ustav with cooperation of public & administration.Even those curtain raisers who had diehard efforts round the clock were vigil with law & order, not the least designers of stage to make all color & gaiety with glowing shine of all five days evening. Stalls of various departments, mission shakti groups. & others from other with host districts had shown their excellent business too with their products where more than 200 stalls opened.Overall ₹1,01,56,122 of sales accumulated on all 5 days.From whole district & border Andhrapradesh people eagerly visited Gajapati Ustav.
Stellar role of administration with all committee members cooperation enlightened all fiasco.Media crews too not left any leaves to cover the whole programs.
Among those prominent guests Jagannath Saraka Minister of Law, SC & ST,Minorities,former Collector of Gajapati Anupam Saha,Dr.Nihar Ranjan Nayak,Vice Chancellor of GMUniversity N. Nagaraju,Dr. Rajat Kumar Panigrahi named scrap man of India,Prof.Bipin Nayak(last 3 figures of this soil),had shown their glazing presence for their commitments on literature,geological balance & skill development.
Prodigy will be ever remembered by the spectacular leading role of Collector Smrutiranjan Pradhan & his administration team. Another new introduction of book stall where more than Rs.20000 generated from books sales;written by local writers on culture, literature,history & heritage. A resound success of Gajapati Ustav will be ever remembered.