Manoj: Welcome to Odishabarta Mr.Bhoi, before we start our ONE 2 ONE please tell us some Brief about you and your Family (?).
Satyabrata: Satyabrata Bhoi,IPS,date of birth 26/03/1975,Father,Mr.Sashi Bhusan Bhoi,Mother,Smt.Sulochana Bhoi,Spouce Mrs.Mamini Bhoi Son Ayaan.I belong to Village, Sargul,Karlamunda District Kalahandi,Odisha,India.
Manoj: Your Educational background Please (?).
Satyabrata:I did my Post Graduation in Economics during the year 1997 at Bhawanipatna Govt College.
Manoj: Please tell what make you correct to opt for UPSC (?)
Satyabrata: During my study I determined after completion of Post Graduate I shall go for UPSC Examination.
Manoj:Man behind the screen who gave you protein to opt for UPSC (?).
Satyabrata: None only my parents support and my own determination. Nothing else.
Manoj:Ohh Great ,but how much time you are giving for preparation (?).
Satyabrata: 14/16 Hours per day.
Manoj: Any Coach (?).
Satyabrata: Nothing Self sufficient.
Manoj: Energy (?).
Satyabrata: My Goal set is my energy.
Manoj: When you touch your Goal Mr Bhoi (?).
Satyabrata:I got IPS in the year 2004 and posted as Addl SP,Sambalpur under training in the year 2006 after completion of my training.
Manoj : Than after (?).
Satyabrata:I posted as SDPO,Malkangiri,2006-07,SP Boudh,SP,Gajapati,2008,SP Malkangiri,2008-09,SP Angul,2010-012,SP,Jagatsinghpur,2012-2014,DCP,Bhubaneswar from 2015-18 than I promoted as DIG.and posted as DIG Sambalpur 2018-19 finally at Berhampur as DIG (SR).
Manoj: Ohh it means you have covered almost all sensitive & Mao prone districts as Superintendent of Police (?) Is not it (?).
Satyabrata: hmm.
Manoj: Dear, please tell to our visitors before becoming an IPS officer while you are in your student life have you ever experienced in connection to Police (?),
Satyabrata: No not at all.
Manoj: During your student life what kind impression do you have on Police (?).
Satyabrata: Good because in those days Policing system was very nice and their performances also good.
Manoj: At that time do you have any fears on Police (?).
Satyabrata: No Fear rather Good faith.
Manoj: Today (?).
Satyabrata: When day to day new technologies are introduced many officers not yet familiar with the existing system and which will take some time to reform, otherwise everything is good, Time to time training is required and we are doing. More ever I observed lot of things already changed among the officers.
Manoj: Please share some of your Good or Bad experience (?).
Satyabrata: Nice question. In my all work station the work culture is very good the people of different districts are very cordial with us. But for police it was very challenging mainly while I am working as SP,Malkangiri,Sambalpur,Gajapati and Jagatsinghpur (?).
Manoj: How (?).
Satyabrata: Look at Jagatsingpur POSCO issue is one of the major headaches. To control the law and order among the irritate villagers was very challenging. In rest of the district head Quarters like Sambalpur,Gajapti and Malkangiri all are Mao prone district and at that time the Mao activities are very fast in action but for police to work with less manpower I have to manage the situation. You most be knowing at that time the technology was not so improved. So with this I have to work and to discharge my police responsibility.
Manoj: True.
Manoj:Such length of Service Profession have you ever face any political intervention in your assignment (?).
Satyabrata: Very small intervention in district level. But you will surprise while I was DCP at Bhubaneswar I was never received not a single intervention even not phonic from any political leaders from any party.
Manoj: Really, how (?).
Satyabrata: It depends on modesty of work.Ok they use to visit my Office but as courtesy visit not for any issues of their any kind of vested interest. I just treat them with a Cup of tea or coffee.
Manoj: Dear, today how you are looking the current project 5T (?).
Satyabrata: Excellent. Only need to inject in his the mind the appropriate meaning of 5T.But out of 5T if one will understand the exact meaning of only one T i.e Transparency he or she will get all the meaning of all 5T.
Manoj: Dear are you getting time to give Justice to your Family members and Parents (?).
Satyabrata: I can’t say exactly when (!) but, while I was SP at different districts I am free after 7 PM unless any emergency law and order situation. But during my tenure at Malkangiri, as I told you before the Mao prone district I have to alert 24 Hrs and as DCP Bhubaneswar I agreed little neglected for family. But today after my promotion as DIG I am getting plenty of time in my hand for my family to take care.
Manoj: Do you use Social Media? Which sites do you use mostly (?).
Satyabrata: Yes I am with Social Media like WhatsUp, Telegram, Face Book, Tweeter etc.. but unless until sharing of important posting I avoids. Though I am with all social media but very rare I use.
Manoj: How do you cope with the stress of tight deadlines (?).
Satyabrata: Look Police job means it is very common to work with stress. But in my point of view If you can find out the reason or catch the nerve of Stress and find its permanent solution than you are completely Stress free. So,I always use to this formula to avoid any type of stress.
Manoj: Beautiful, Very Nice. So dear, you are using this kind of Stress Free Medicine.
Manoj: Please tell me, how familiar you are with your staff members (?).
Satyabrata: Mr. Dash you can’t believe in my all work stations by the grace of God I got very good staffs and they are very much cooperative. Without their support even I can’t discharge a single file as SP/DIG. Rather I can say they are my Staff friends.
Manoj:If not mind I would like to ask you one crucial question.
Satyabrata: Please tell me.
Manoj: Being a Police Officer, Suppose one day you are travelling officially and on road you find a Minor girl was nude and crying on the road side ,right, in that case what will you do (?) .
Satyabrata: My first duty to cover her with a cloth if she was nude in condition. My second actions will be I have pass on the nearest police station for further action.
Manoj: Ok that’s fine, but as a Common man (?).
Satyabrata: Nothing same…because we all are human being.
Manoj: Any Awards (?) Food Choice (?), Hobby (?) ; TV ?If so which channel in Odia,Hindi and English (?),Believing God (?).
Satyabrata: Yes I have received DGP (Disc) While SDPO, Malkangiri, Governor Award- DCP, Bhubaneswar and Antrajatika Surakhya Medal.
My Food Choice Pure Odia ,Veg and non-Veg both. But I like Fish.
Hobby: Playing Foot Ball, Cricket, Tennis and Badminton .
Watching TV but Mostly Odia News Channel.
Manoj: What do you like to read on your own time (?).
Satyabrata; Gita, Science & Environment, Economics, Space related etc….
Manoj: What you hate and what you Love (?).
Satyabrata: I hate those are cheater, lier and I praise or Love those people are very Positive minded.
Manoj: Sir last but not in least. After your retirement what is your planning like Farming, or to stay with Children’s (?).
Satyabrata: Sorry not yet planned.
Manoj; Thank you so much My Dear Bhoi for open discussion and one more thanks for Coffee.Namaskar.
Satyabrata: Thanks Mr.Dash,Namaskar.