On the eve of Astabakra Jayanti SAKSHAM distributes kits to PWDs to combat Covid-19

Badal Tah,Odishabarta
Rayagada, October 4: Though last few days, Rayagada district is witnessing zero spread of Covid-19, the district administration is alert in addressing any untoward incident in the nook & corner of this hinterland. The 3rd wave of Corona is apprehended to affect the children and more specifically the persons with disabilities(PWDs), who also have co-morbidities alongwith their different kind of disabilities.
To complement the efforts of the district administration and ensure the social security of these differently abled persons, Samdrushti, Kshamata Vikas Evam Anusandhan Mandal (SAKSHAM) Odisha(Paschim), an outfit of a national entity situated in Nagpur, distributed Covid kits to Dibyangs and Dibyang Mitras(Friends of Dibyangs) from all the eleven blocks and two municipalities and one NAC.
SAKSHAM aims to assist and carry out programmes for prevention and cure of physically challenged persons. Hence, the kit distribution, as part of prevention measure, was conducted with guidance & assistance of Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer(CDM&PHO) Dr Artabandhu Nayak, District Social Security Officer Smt Victoria Kullu, UAIL’s General Manager Ms Lopamudra Priyadarshini, IMFA’s Sr Manager Sri Shakti Prasad Panigrahi, Stae Seva Pramukh Sri Dipak Kumar Raut, Sachib Sri Rama Chandra Sahu & Sri Bijay Kumar Mishra. These kits will be kept near dibyang leaders and rotate among the affected dibyangs in the block and urban local bodies.
Sri Raut introduced the theme of Astabakra Jayanti. He elaborated the life & works of Rishi Astabakra, who in spite of being disabled and a laughing stock in King Janak’s kingdom, created history by writing Astabakra Gita. He was wise & a great orator and could defeat the most intellects in Janak’s kingdom. His disability was not an hindrance in the path of his competence and success. He told all the participants to instill confidence in them and move ahead.
Dr Nayak, who joined as Chief Guest, asked all the participants, especially the physically challenged & their care givers to complete both doses of vaccination at the earliest. Sri Panigrahi elaborated the definition of Dibyang. He assured the participants to bear “I can, we can” attitude and told that his industry would continue assisting the PWDs. Ms Priyadarshini reiterated the importance of roles played by the care givers. These care givers and community resource persons & Dibyang Mitras need special training to take care of their siblings and relatives. Smt Kullu explained in details about twenty one types of disabilities and related govt schemes. She requested all present to be in touch with her office as & when needed. Dr B K Tah, who moderated the whole session, requested the corporate, govt and dibyang-based entities to have continuoys interface and synthsise their efforts for a greater cause of PWDs.
According to Sri Rakesh Himirika, who is totally blind and officiates as President of Odisha Bikalanga Manch’s Rayagada unit, this kind of sensitization programme and kit distribution initiative exclusively for dibyangs was first of its kind in the state and must continue in the future. While Sri Sahu welcomed the august gathering, Sri Ajay Rath extended vote of thanks.