Offences under NDPS act Non Bailable – Hon’ble Court, Balasore Convicted Accused Persons

Bhubaneswar:On 19.04.2023 Hon’ble court of 2nd Addl. District & Sessions Judge/OPID cum Spl.Judge, Balasore convicted accused persons namely 1) Sk Jamir @ Chhotu, at Masjid gali, Arada Bazar PS. Sahadevkhunta Dist. Balasore and 2) Prabhat Ku Sethy of Nayabazar PS. Sahadevkhunta Dist. Balasore U/S 21©/29 NDPS Act, 1985 in STF PS Case No. 28/2020.
Both the accused persons were found guilty and were convicted. They each were sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for 10 years and fine of Rs.1,00,000/- each in default to undergo further R.I. for one year for the offences U/S 21©/29 NDPS Act, 1985 . This case relates to seizure of contraband Brown sugar 1 kg 130 gram from the exclusive and conscious possession of accused persons on 5.11.2020.
In this case, on 05.11.2021 STF, Bhubaneswar arrested three accused persons along with above noted two accused persons near hotel Jyoti Sagar , Sahadevkhunta, Balasore and recovered 1 kg 130 gram brown Sugar & cash from their possession.
fter successful investigation, charge sheet was submitted against the accused persons U/S 21(c)/29 NDPS Act, 1985.
During investigation the seized Brown Sugar was sent to SFSL, Rasulgarh for chemical examination and opinion was received affirmatively.
This case was detected by Inspr Ashish Ch Jena and investigated by Inspr Ashok Kumar Giri of STF. The prosecution of this case was conducted by Sri Sulalit Kar, special public prosecutor, Balasore.
STF is the specialized wing of Odisha Police to curb the organized crime in the State. Narcotic drugs is the main focus area of STF and STF will continue its drive against the such drug peddlers.