Odisha Farmers Deprived Pesticides that Sold at Andhra

Paralakhemundi- Though by both state & centre huge stock of fertilizers coming to Gajapati district. But farmers of Gajapati district hardly getting at reasonable price. Even difficult to get. But they have to purchase on high rate. From cooperative society those registered farmers though getting but others purchase on higher MRP. Where the price is ₹ 1150 per 45 kgs bag but sold on ₹1400.Urea bag whose cost is ₹270 but sold at ₹600.Adminstration should have monitored on such lacklusture sale.Among farmers Prasant Kumar Patra, Rajendra Jena, Simadri Nayak, YRamulu purchased on high rate. They retorted if their problems not solved they will race their campaign at district collectorate. So time still there where administration too sorted out such discripancies. Odisha Farmers Deprived Pesticides that Sold at Andhra