Odisha Crime Branch STF has done a Commendable Job

Bhubaneswar: Reports suggest Crime Branch STF has done a commendable job in the crackdown on rampant illegal narcotics and other illegal trade by the Mafias ‘in the State of Odisha.
As on date the STF detected 73 cases and arrested around 140 involved persons, seizure of Brown Sugar,Heroin,Smacks above 23.5 Kgs,Ganja like Cannabis,Marijuana,Weeds above 44 Qntls.34 cases against seizure of illegal Arms and ammunition.
Similarly Wild Life; Seizure of Leopard skin 7nos,Seizure and rescue of Pangolin 2,5Kg Pangolin scale, Seizure of deer skin 2nos,and 4.6 Qntls of Sandal wood.
Apart from those FICN (fake Indian Currency Note) Rs.5.29 lakhs, Relating to explosives 196 Qntls Ammonia Nitrate, 3200, Gelatine sticks,10.406 Detonators. PDS Kerosene 66 thousand ltrs,Minerals;3 Vehicles with stones,453 Kg precious Stones, Illegal/fake tobacco products 5 Qnts above, seizure of illegal cash Rs.22,95,975 and immoral Trafficking case 7 Bangladeshi Girls rescued.