Odisha Citizens’ Forum in Kotia Checked the Situation at the Border

Uttam Nayak,Odishabarta
Koraput:Officials from the Odisha Citizens’ Forum have reached 22 villages in Patangiblock Kotia in Koraput district and inspected the border. In addition, Kurudi Padar, Ganjahei Padar, Kotia, Sambi, Dhuli Padar and Naredi reached Balsa and met the Odia people living in the border areas and expressed their experience. Pradyumna Sathpathy,President and senior journalist of the Odisha Citizens’ Forum, Sita Bahlav Mohapatra,Chairman of the Utkal Purnanga Purnanyas Mandali, Vijay Parida, president of the Janadhikar Samukhya, Pujyapuja Sanskriti Suraksha Sabhatpat Muralidhar Bahu, The protagonist of Eng Shishir today visited Kotia village and buried the nameplate.