Odia IAS,Anupam Saha,Present Collector of Gajapati District in Odisha.
Interviewed by;Manoj Kanta Dash,editor in Chief,Odishabarta.
OB: Dear Please tell us our visitors about yourself (?).
Anupam: Myself Anupam Saha, Father,Hemsagar Saha,Mother,Jagyasini Saha, we are three Brothers,Qulaification,B-Tech from NIT,Rourkela,Home Town Kesinga ,Dist Kalahandi,Odisha.
OB: When you got IAS (?).
Anupam: I did during the year 2012.
OB: Congratulation.
OB : Dear could you please tell us who are the family members behid you to opt for UPSC Exam (?).
Anupam: My parents, my friends & Brothers.
OB: Ohh you have Brother (?).
Anupam: yes He is Doctor at Ahmadabad as Kidney Researcher in a reputed Hospital.
OB: Fine Dear, Please tell us to our Visitors the places you have already worked and the experience you gained so far being an IAS officer.
Anupam: After my training first I posted as Sub Collector Baliguda from 2014-15 than trasfered to Bolangir as Project Director,District Rural development Agency (DRDA), My third posting as Collector as Collector,Koraput during the year 2017-18 and finally from Jan,2019 I am working as Collector Gajapati.
OB: Glad !! Why you choose IAS why not other Job as your qualification back ground is Engineering (?).
Anupam : True, I fully agreed with your question but I have to work my Job relating to my qualification but where I may not get plenty of area to work with people. I respect Engineering.
OB: Than why not (?).
Anupam: Good question, In engineering job my area of work is very limited and there no scope to work with needy people .
OB:Do you feel as Collector cum Magistrate, a task you thought is ever impossible at first, how would you go about it (?).
Anupam: Of course as I am in a Administrative Job and taken the responsibility of a District its obvious but my mindset is how to discharge any kind of work without irritating myself.
OB: Appreciate your thought.
OB : Tell me about a time you had to fill in for someone. Were you successful (?).
Anupam: Smile, again you put me in a similar question in different style,yaa Journalist pattern is such.
Anyway during my training there is a subject Personality Development and Career Launching and the subject is “How to Fill the Gap “ (?) .
If a person mainly with this kind of assignment he/she should always to be well alerted in advance to avoid any kind of mishap, law and order etc… So when I am working in Day I don’t have any time for the peoples needy, even in night time while in bed the dreams are same as if I am at my Office or in field visit (!). to give proper justice to the needy people, To extend better service to the poor how to bring back them in to their normal life like many… More ever as you know this district is completely a tribal base district and Govt has adopted many attractive schemes to bring them into lime light. Every day I am moving village to village and reviewing their development as well making a direct one plus one discussion each and everyone.
OB: How did the experience make you feel (?).
Anupam: Wait I forget to add one more important line i.e. Quality Education, Better Health Service as well as Communication is my major aim and object.
OB: Tell me about a time you missed (or almost missed) a deadline. How did you react when you realized you were falling behind (?).
Anupam: Thanks God never faced yet (!).
OB: Do you prefer working in a team or on your own (?).
Anupam: I always to Love Team Work. I alone can’t do such big Work.
OB: What types of activities or hobbies do you enjoy while you are Off on your Work (?).
Anupam: In my existing position I don’t know what is “OFF” (?) But if getting free myself I love to play Tennis, Badminton, Reading Books and listening Radio.
OB : What is your favourite TV Programme (?).
Anupam: Watching Regional TV Channels.
OB: Means Odia News or Serials (?).
Anupam: Both.
OB: Why not National Channels English or Hindi (?).
Anupam: No I it does not mean that I didn’t like but here I am getting all State affairs.
OB: What types of activities or hobbies and Food choice do you enjoy while outside of work (?).
Anupam: All type challenges are my Hobby, and Food choice is preferably Vegetarian sometimes Fish.
OB: Came to know you are still Bachelor (?) But, when (?).
Anupam: It’s a very critical question for me right now I can’t say it’s all depends on fortune. Of course there was much pressure from my parents but right now I can’t attend your Q and here I failed.
OB: Thank you so much Mr.Anupam Saha Ji. In very open mind you attend my all to all Q Banks and Share your feelings with Us.
God bless you of your bright Career. Namaskar.
Anupam: Namaskar.