Ntpc Talcher Kaniha Organises Safety Circle Meet

Talcher,19/12/19:NTPC Talcher Kaniha conducted Safety Circle Meet- 2019 on December 17, 2019. The Meet was inaugurated by Shri Sudip Nag, Chief General Manager , NTPC Talcher Kaniha.A mass safety pledge was also administered to the gathering by Shri Sudip Nag on this occasion.
A total of 41 teams presented their case studies and suggestions on safety related activities in their respective areas. The teams comprised of NTPC employees and agency workers.The objective of organizing of such safety meet was to enhance safety culture at station level involving employees and workers.
The one day long program included deliberations & presentations by the participants. During the presentation the teams showcased the best practices, innovative ideas already implemented as case studies for creating awareness among the audience & participants.
Senior officials ,Shri N.S Rao GM (O&M), Shri P. Sivaramakrishna , GM (Operations), Shri Navin Bagai, GM (C&M), Shri Karunakar Das, GM (FM), HODs and sectional heads , representatives of union and associations were present during the safety meet.