NTPC Swayamsiddha Ladies Club provides Sanitary Vending machine and Incinerator at Ranchi University

Ranchi:NTPC Swayamsiddha Ladies Club, Coal Mining HQ on the occasion of Swaactha Pakhwada 2023 which was celebrated from May 16 -31,2023 distributed Sanitary Pad Vending Machine and Incinerator today at Ranchi University’s Science block building, which included Department of Chemistry Department, Zoology and Botany.
The Sanitary Pad Vending Machine and Incinerator was provided for better hygiene and comfort among college girls pursuing higher studies at Ranchi University. The noble initiative was held under the guidance of Smt Padma Reddy, President, Swayamsiddha Ladies Club(SLC),NTPC Coal Mining HQ, Shri A K Delta ,HOD,Chemistry Dept , Dr Smriti Singh, Faculty cum PRO ,Chemistry Dept ,Smt Laxmi Murthy ,Vice President ,SLC in the august presence of Smt Mansa Verma, Secretary (CSR) & Shri Amit Kumar Behera,Sr Mgr.(Corporate Communication) and other dignitaries from Ranchi University.
During observance of Swaachta Pakhwada at NTPC Coal Mining HQ, Ranchi various activities like identification and disposal of obsolete/ unserviceable electronics or e-waste initiative through handing over of old desktops with other accessories to employees as per NTPC buyback policy which helped in managing e waste generated at CMHQ office.
Further, under paperless initiative, digitization of 47 lakh pages is completed in the coal mining region, in this regard 379 boxes filled with digitized files are sent to Record Management Services(RMS) facility at Kolkata from Pakri Barwadih , Dulanga and Coal Mining Headquarters. To create awareness, banners and Posters with captions were displayed at CMHQ office and nearby schools for awareness on cleanliness.