NTPC Kaniha organises Press Interaction with Media Personnel

Talcher:A press meet with media representatives was organised by NTPC Talcher Kaniha on 11 February.
Shri K Srinivasa Rao, Executive Director, NTPC Kaniha interacted with the members of the print media, electronic media and digital media.
Shri Prem Chand, GM(HR) addressed the media persons and commended their work and the consistent support extended to NTPC Kaniha.
A detailed presentation highlighting the milestones and community development activities carried out by NTPC Kaniha was also showcased.
The media personnel present interacted with the Executive Director of Kaniha, and with Shri Vijay Goel, GM(O&M), Shri Rajendranath Das, GM(Project), Shri H.N. Chakraborty, GM(Maintenance), Shri Prem Chand, GM(HR) and other the GMs of NTPC Kaniha, on various topics including NTPC’s community development activities, ash handling, FGD and future endeavors.
Shri K. S. Rao discussed the various issues raised and said that the growth of NTPC lies not only in the development of its employees but also in the development of all of its stakeholders and communities.