NTPC Kaniha Celebrated its 35th Raising Day


Talcher:NTPC Kaniha celebrated its 35th Raising Day on June 2.Shri K S Sundaram,ED hoisted the NTPC flag in the morning at the Administrative Building and addressed the gathered employees.
Tracing the success story of the Station, he said that that with the dedicated efforts of everyone, Talcher Kaniha today stands tall as one of the largest and best performing power plants of the country. The credit of taking the Plant to where it is today goes to all the engineers, technicians the team leaders and work force of associated agencies. Shri Sundaram underlined the need to sustain the good work done in O &M, Safety, environment management and focus on other areas.
Shri A K Sehgal, GM(O&M), Shri Y M Muralikrishna, GM(Oprn.) Shri Ch.Satya Rama Krishna, GM (ADM), Shri B. K. Pandey, AGM(HR), Heads of Department, Shri B. M. Singh, DC(CISF), NTPC Talcher Kaniha Unit , representatives of Unions and Association and a large number of employees were present on the occasion.
It may be mentioned here that the foundation stone of Talcher Super Thermal Power Project, was laid by the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on 2nd June 1989 and the first 500 MW unit commenced operation in February 1995.The second 500 MW unit was synchronized in March 1996.Four more 500 MW units were added in Stage II.The station attained its full approved capacity of 3000 MW in February 2005.
A 10 MW solar power generating capacity was added in 2014.This apart rooftop solar panels have been installed atop Administrative Building, Central Store and Township schools.