Neighbour State Rice Cost Dominating the Odisha Market (?)

Uttam Nayak,Odishabarta
Koraput:Paddy Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh are buying paddy from Odisha at a fish price. By processing the rice, the paddy is sold in the name of “Made” and “Samuk”. It’s not just empty sales, it’s the red neli packets that make the friend shine and make the market three times the price. Koraput’s hard-working farmers are benefiting from the benefits of gold. Padisar rice is ruling in Koraput district of Odisha. More than 25 brands of rice are dominating the Koraput district, not just one or two brands. While the Koraputia rice market is now taking its last breath, the rice of both Andhra and Chhattisgarh has already been extended.
The rice paddy is Koraput district. The first rice from the district was produced worldwide. Currently, the district has more than 508 varieties of rice, while Koraput district supplies less than half of the rice to Odisha. The rice supplied under various schemes of the government comes from this district. However, only four mills, which are affiliated with the government, supply rice to the government in two seasons, while Sarlani Padisha captures the market. The district was previously known for its Koraputia Basana rice, black cumin, and basmati. It’s been a long time coming. The market has made rice, basana rice and boiled rice one-of-a-kind in the market. Even after all this, the administration is still asleep. The owner of the Koraputia Mills does not have the guts to compete when three or four types of a brand are released to the market. The district produced several types of rice. However, all the rice is traditionally made in the Koraput district and is not accepted by the people. Koraput district, on the other hand, receives 3 to 4 trucks of rice per week from Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh every day. In Odisha, Koraputia sells 25 kg of rice for between Rs 400 and Rs 600 in the market, selling paddy under various brands for Rs 2,600 to Rs 7,500. While Koraput has all the facilities, Miller has not been given the opportunity and encouragement. It is slowly occupying the Koraput market along with the Rayagada, Malkangiri and Nabarangpur markets, while the administration is demanding to look into it. Basana Dhan and Basumati are cultivated in Kotpad, Borigumma, Jaipur, Koraput, Baipariguda, Kundura, Nandapur, Patangi, Similiguda, Bandhugaon, Narajayanapatna and Dashmantapur blocks of Koraput district. However, when it is not bought by the government, it falls into the hands of traders in Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Vegetables are processed at a cost of Rs 1,200 to Rs 1,500 per quintal. Padisha sells 25 kg of rice at Rs 6,500 for three types of rice at Rs 7,500.
Ram Panigrahi, a miller from Enei, said there were six millers in the district so far. We buy rice only for the government during both Rabi and Kharif seasons. Who is giving rice to the market and how is it not in the Sina market. Rice traders in Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh have already seized the market. “If the government encourages and supports us, we can do better.” “It simply came to our notice then. We are giving 30 quintals of rice per acre to the government, while 12 quintals of paddy per acre will be produced. “So the interest is in the Odisha market,” he said.