Neighbour bananas in the Odisha market (!)

Uttam Nayak,Odishabarta
Koraput, Nov 30:There was a time when Champa and Bantal bananas from Koraput ruled all over Odisha. The whole of Odisha also tasted the Koraput banana. Bari reminded Koraput of the taste of vitamin-rich kale. But now that era is no more. Koraputia bananas are now looking for the past in the pages of history. The Koraputia banana has been swallowed by bananas from Andhra Pradesh. Koraputia is sadly buying while Andhra farmers can make quite a bit of money as it can be made available in Koraput, Odisha in a cheap and beautiful way.
The climate in Jaipur, Baipariguda, Borigumma, Kundura and Kotpad from 18 blocks of Koraput district is quite favorable for the farmers of Koraputia Champa and Bantal Kadali. The length, taste and size of these bananas are also more attractive than other bananas in the state. Of the four varieties of chaldi, namely Kathia Champa, Singapore, Khandachini, Majapur, Banu, Shankara and Champa, Koraput Champa and Bantal Kadali are the most popular. There was a time when trucks from the district loaded trucks and trucks from and out of the state. Hundreds of trucks are coming to Koraput from Rajam, Babli, Rambhadrapuram and Srikakulam in Andhra Pradesh. From there, they come to the daily market depot. From there, bananas go to the villages and towns. Every day, trucks carrying 10 to 12 vehicles from Andhra Pradesh come here. The truck was traveling from Jaipur to Koraput, Borigumma, Baipariguda, Kundura and Kotpad from 8 to 7 am a day, while the other block was also going to other blocks. They sell to local traders at Rs 50 to Rs 100 per shoulder, while traders sell it at Rs 120 to Rs 200 per shoulder.
In Koraput district, on the other hand, Koraputia champa and bantal bananas were cultivated. Over the past five years, the crop has declined unexpectedly. Tissue culture and fandi bananas are being cultivated in the district, while each farmer is being given a rebate of Rs 80,000 per hectare by the Department of Horticulture. During this two-year period, a farmer receives a 75 percent discount in the first year and a 25 percent discount in the second year. A farmer can cultivate at least 0.8 hectares and more than 6 hectares. With an average of 308 trees per hectare, as much as champa bananas and bantal bananas are grown. “It simply came to our notice then. As a result, production in the district has dropped unexpectedly. The Andhra Pradesh Chaldea is taking advantage of the Koraput market. Koraputia has exterminated Champa and Bantal bananas from the district, even though they did not taste good. Farmers in Andhra Pradesh are making a fortune by creating a rich market in Odisha, while farmers are not cultivating Kaldi, claiming that there is no market in Odisha. The Kaldi Bazaar in Odisha has slowly shifted to Andhra Pradesh as the horticulture department has not been able to attract farmers to these farmers. Not only this, with the help of ripe bananas, the Andhra Pradesh market has been swallowed up. However, it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.
Abhimanyu Guntha of the Koraput Sadar Overseas Department of the Horticulture Department said that Champa and Bantal in Koraput district were not interested in cultivating bananas. Those who are willing are failing in farming because they are not paying attention. As a result, farming is deteriorating. This year, Koraput district plans to cultivate bananas on 10 hectares of land. Of this, 7 hectares are for Koraput and 4 hectares for Jaipur. “Even though subsidies have been provided under the NHM scheme, pomegranate cultivation has not been possible due to farmers’ reluctance,” he said.