Sunabeda,(Koraput,29/09/20: Five NCC cadets (4 Girls and 1 Boy) of V S vidyalaya, got selected and participated in ‘EK BHARAT SHRESTHA BHARAT’ (EBSB) E-Camp 2020 The camp was organized by the Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh & Chandigarh Directorate (PHHP&C) as host directorate whereas the Odisha Directorate participated as guest directorate.
The host directorates conducted camp through a webinar where total of 200 cadets from both the host and guest states participated. The guest state Odisha had total of 100 cadets from 3 different wings ( Army, Navy and Air force) It was a six days virtual online camp from 21st. to 26thSept’ 2020. First time in NCC history, such online NCC camps are organized. EBSB or ‘Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat’ of NCC is an annual camp for national integration conducted between paired states. The aim of the camp is to foster a sense of unity and nationalism amongst the participating NCC cadets and familiarizing with the paired states. The topics being covered during the camp include presentation on History, Geography, Economy, Good Practices, SWOT analysis, cultural heritage, festivals, customs & traditions of the states. The initiatives taken by these states for New Education Policy-2020 were discussed in detail through various presentations, discussion and clips. Learning the language of each other viz Punjab, Haryana, with Odia and Interaction in different languages is one of the highlights of the camp. In addition, learning resources about cuisine and food habits, tourism sites and cultural programmes of the states were shared extensively. Quiz and debate competitions were also conducted during the course of the camp. It is highlighted that NCC being the largest youth organisation of India, the organisation has quickly adapted to the e-learning medium of study for conducting NCC training.
Col Saroj Kumar Mati, Commandig officer NCC officer Jeypore (Boys), Col Sunil Bhatt Commanding officer , NCC Rayagada, Hemant Kumar Seth, Principal, VS Vidyalaya, third Officer, Dr G Vinodkumar – ANO-NCC-Boys, Arati Rani Shu, CTO-NCC- Girls of V S Vidyalaya have congratulated Sergeant Ritwik Rish Raj . Sergeant: Shakti Sriya Patnaik, CPL; Soumy Satabdi Pati LCPL: Eliza Kerketa LCPL: Vaishnabi Panda for their active participation and encouraged them.