National Press Day Celebrated at Press Club Berhampur


Berhampur: National Press Day was celebrated at Press Club Berhampur on 16/11/2021 at Press Club conference hall.On this occasion Biswanath Patnaik, presided over the meeting and briefed about the significance of the Day and the problems and prospects with the Press club,while Rabinarayana Behera, DIPRO, Ganjam joined as the Chief Guest and Dr.Jagganmohna Mohaptra,Sr. Journalist as Speaker.

Addressing to Scribes, Chief Guest,Rabinarayana Behera,DIPRO,Ganjam, stressed the need for ethics in journalism. He said “today journalism is at the cross roads and it’s time for the media personnel, the journalists to introspect themselves and follow ethics in journalism for the development of society. The power of media is undeniable in present days but media must know how to exercise its power for the betterment of human being and society. It was important to enrich our knowledge base, rather than glamorize journalism. We must appreciate the role of communication in the world scenario and develop the habit of extensive reading”. He motivated aspiring journalists of the department by giving example of famous journalists, novelists and literary persons who pursued journalism as a career.

Spekaer,Dr.Mohapatra advised the young generation scribes and scholars of Journalism to pursue the profession with his lecture stressed the need of a central body to certify the journalists in India to maintain the quality of journalism.motivated by saying that the future of journalism is bright in Odisha  and it plays a crucial role in nation building.

Among others,Narayan Mahankuda,Satyachetan Parida,and all Print, Electronics and web media also spooked on this occasion and Prahalad Sahu,Journalist gave vote of thanks.