National Disaster Management & Preparedness Day Observed

Paralakhemundi-On behalf of district administration preparedness on disaster management organized. At 7.30am a rally by students of various schools marched past with placards. Rally signalled by SP Jayram Satpathy & ADM (Revenue)Pradip Kumar Nayak.At Collectorate campus by Fire department demonstration on prevention on various disaster led by District Fire Officer Rajendra Kumar Swain & his staff. At conference hall a meeting held presided by ADM(Revenue)Nayak where ZP President GTRao graced as chief guest. Among others SP Gajapati Satpathy, Chairperson of Paralakhemundi Municipal Council Nirmala Sethy, DWO Santos Kumar Rath, District Emergency Officer Jaydrat Acharya,. Program Manager Pradosh Satpathy presented synopsis on disaster preparedness. On last cyclone hard work by all accoladed. Winners in various competitions honored.