“Namaskar” Berhampur Police – Today Missing (!).

Berhampur: Past many years The greeting rings out when one dials to any police stations or to Police Control Room by dialling 112, the emergency helpline manned by police personnel they use to say “Namaskar” Berhampur Police to caller.
Following the previous practice we made only one call to some Police stations and the command centre to see how they respond to distress calls 24×7 and ensure speedy action.
This is mandatory as per the guideline of Odisha Police a basic value of education to gain the public support “Namaskar, a cordial word to use when a caller calling in some emergency to Police stations or to Control Room…Cop says ,“Tell us what happened (?).Duty officer asked and answers the telephone while focusing on computer screens in front.
To quickly get more information from the apparently scared caller, Cop asks in a calm tone to know all about the incident If the call suddenly disconnects. The Cop patiently waits for him to call back.
When the caller narrates his issues, providing with details, Cop assures him of quick police action basing up his details and incident description.