Municipal Council Meets Gajapati Chambers of Commerce

Paralakhemundi-At Paralakhemundi Municipal Council meeting Gajapati Chambers of Committee members attended. Presided by Nirmala Sethy Chairperson of Paralakhemundi Municipal Council, Executive Officer Banamali Satapathy also on dias. By the instruction of Collector Gajapati Smrutiranjan Pradhan, shops & trading business firms have been raided. Even food license at fast food centres too enquired.Those who are disobeying illegally they are penalized. So those members of Chambers of Commerce requested to give 40 days time for obtain licences. But Executive Officer strictly denied their views rather said they will go on raid as per legal parameter. Surprisingly those business firms fast on paying GST, Income Tax & other tax but deviating trade licenses. Moreso those shops yet not covered as commercial firms for which they are neglecting to pay trade tax & municipal rents too. On retrospect they earn crores of rupees to deviate tax. So Executive Officer cautioned those who deviate to pay tax, action will be taken against them. For medium & small business firms parameter too fixed. All firms must & should maintain parking areas.Accordingly licenses too will be provided. Learneds accoladed such bold steps of Council.