Report;Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:On the occasion of Annual Day at MRBH School attended as Chief Guest Mr.Anupam Saha,Collector,Gajapati complimented all students to keep unique Honor of the school by contributing their valiant performances.
He also lauded for those Allumins who are spread sorrounding India and abroad brought their best rapport for their school. Presided by Head Master Dr.Brushaketu Dash with Guests of Honor eg,DEO Mr.Pradip Kumar Nag,Veteran Retd. Administrator Purnachandra Mahapatra,President of the School Jayakrushna Maharana,Chief Branch Manager of SBI BPSahani expressed their best wishes for the Students to keep name & fame of the school.They must feel values of respect for their Parents & Teachers by whose Blessings they can reach their Goal.Allumins who contributed with cash & kind for the school lauded.Recently retired Teacher Kumudaranjan Das Honored by Retd Teacher Binod Chandra Jena.Students are given prizes for their best performances on various Literary competition and other fields.Jagannath Patnaik presented Annual Report.With cultural program the Events bid adieu.