MOU between IGIT, Sarang and India Meteorological Department(IMD), New Delhi

Bhubaneswar:IGIT, SARANG Signed with India Meteorological department (IMD), New Delhi to carry out different accademic activities along with research work on Meteorological area. Scope of this Work between Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Sarang and IMD, New Delhi to collaborate on the following areas for the pursuit of academic excellence in the field of Meteorology and Climate Modelling: –
To Plan and execute joint research, capacity building, field studies and consultancy projects in the field of Meteorology/Climate/Environmental Sciences.
Undertake development of case studies, conduct research, and bring out publications and report.
Organize round table meetings, seminars, and conferences on emerging issues in the area of Environment.
Jointly explore use of emerging technologies such as geospatial technologies in the areas of Environment.
Exchange of resource persons and sharing training resources including online/offline modules developed separately or jointly.
To take up Joint supervision of Research Projects/ Dissertation work of students with IMD, New Delhi faculty as co-guides along with CDMS faculty in the areas of Environment related.
It helps the Institute as well as local people for safe and better living style.
After MOU an interesting and informative talk was delivered on ‘Climate Change’ by the Chief Guest Dr. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Director General Meteorology, India Meteorological Department, New Delhi. The Guest of Honour Dr. H.R. Biswas ,Head of Meteorological Centre and Cyclone Warning Centre Bhubaneswar ,Odisha also addressed the gathering.
The event was a greate success under the support of Prof.(Dr.) Satyabrata Mohanta, Director, IGIT, Sarang, and all others members of IGIT, Sarang. Prof.(Dr.) Srinivas Sethi, Professor, Computer science engineering and Application, and Nodal Officer, Centre of Excellence, IGIT Sarang co-ordinate all the activities throughout the event.