Mohana Block Office Gheraoed

Paralakhemundi:Being the second largest block of Odisha & intensively a tribal pocket,is far from development scenarios. Time to time knocking on various core issues before administration still paralyzed.Neither local elected representatives nor government officials showing competency for any solutions.Covered with 39 panchayats, where 3 districts, e.g, Kandhamal, Rayagada & Ganjam are borders. Now flashed before local tribal development council,Ganesh Merchants Association, MKCG Youth Association, some PRI representatives like Sarpanchs,Samiti members & not the least public now get together on road. Their huge rally started from high school junction with placards & thundered voice crossed main market & reached at Mohana block headquarter. They apprised on lacking basic amenities & pointed against follies of government for sleeping. 21 chartered points; based on demands like post mortem house building,appointment of specialists & increase of bed at CHC Mohana, pucca road to every street,renovation of drainage system new high school building construction or increase of students seat,access to pure drinking water, children park & new busstand construction, for temporary shop keepers market complex construction & toilets are emerging demands; where memorandum given to BDO Mohana Tapaswini Hansada, addressed to Chief Minister Odisha.On retrospect BDO urged now various development programs taken & further will sort out major problems.But agitators still anguished & retorted if their demands not solved they will mob at Gajapati Collectorate & also Assembly.