Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:Born from a cottage with hand to mouth life depend on father’s hard labour as farm labourer under a farmer. Whatever earned that could not meet yearly food security for family. Mohan Patra (36) an Inhabitant of Madhusudanpur of Gosani block of Gajapati could now reach from pillar to post.
On his version he spelled the trauma of life & what livelihood means. Shattered by just 1/3rd acre of land his Father Janardan Patra, now 58, could be the only asset to survive his mother Hiramani with 2 brothers & 2 sisters inside a small cottage. But his Father determined to pull all jinx to support his family by covering his sorrow & disdain.
A Blessing of disguise Mohan’s brother, Dhananjaya, is a physically handicapped from birth, but he played his stellar role on studies by completing degree & joined as Teacher. But Mohan is dependent to his Father on farm work. He left studies after 5th std.Being a hobby of farming from childhood he contributed on vegetable cultivation on that small land. That could bring smile to his father. With a minor earning they could manage to dispose 2 sisters marriage who settled elsewhere.A proud Mohan like a gift of God got another 1/3rd acre of land to add vegetables cultivation. With better fencing surrounding could reprieve cattle’s entrance and enhance better productions. That too pulled around 1.5 lakh of out turn of earning in a year with various vegetable cultivation.As a better enhance he purchased another 1.2 acre of land to cultivate paddy.
Besides that he has a tranquillity of innovation of cashew cultivation that figured to reconstruct their cottage to Pucca building of their home from that income.
The joint family with the love of Parents & love from physically handicapped brother, never isolated to extend brink of hope on all support where Horticulture department at their support. Now he has a motor cycle & healthy income with his fiancée named Lila Kumari Patra with 2 daughters, Kabita(4 years) & Kusuma(3 years)with a son,Shyama (6 months under mother’s care).
He is confident not to move to nearest town Paralakhemundi for children education except relying hope on own village school where Kabita is in LKG Standard. He says,” To be a Farmer our Mother land is our key resources. How we are telling our land & dream for prosperity with all sweating that depends on us. “I am indebted to my Father Janardhan who trained me as a best farmer. Rest support from Anil Sir(Anil Kumar Sethi)of Horticulture department who further built my hope & zeal”.