Modernized Life-Saving Ambulance from MP Lad

Paralakhemundi:An innovative equipments filled Ambulance donated from MP Lad by Chandrasekhar Sahu,MP of Brahmapur.
People usually carried immediately by called ambulance, where sometimes before treatment started the patients were dying.So keeping in view of all alerts, MP Brahmapur Sahu contributed from his side for backward stricken Gajapati district.
Expended over 50 lakhs, in presence of CDMO, Gajapati and medical staff checked for the first time with all available equipments with updated technology conveyed their gratitude to Sahu for great initiatives. Further MP Brahmapur added for both Gajapati & Ganjam districts he will contribute 2 such vehicles where patients services will be portrayed. From all corners of Gajapati district lauded to Sahu for his great initiatives.