MLA Visited Proposed Displaced Areas

Paralakhemundi- KNarayan Rao, MLA Paralakhemundi visited proposes displaced sites that declared by Vansadhara Tribunal Judgement. Along with him state BJP Vice President Bhrugu Buxipatra,ex-MP Jayram Pangi are also present. They discussed with Sara villagers who are expected to be displaced by Nerradi barrage. Among others Kashinsgar block chairman Ch. Simadri, ex-chairman of Parala Municipality Nrusinghacharan Patnaik,state executive member Sidheswar Mishra & Pinniti Kranti, Pinniti Kiran,Youth morcha President Santos Jena,woman leader PLata, President of Farmers wing Prasant Palo with Kashinagar & Gunupur leaders were too present.They discussed with villagers of Sara, Palsing & other affected villagers.They discussed to stake the issue at state level leaders.After visited those coastal proposed affected areas team went to Gunupur.