Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:As a rare venture by Gajapati District Police the missing New born baby from District Head Quarter Hospital(DHH) discovered.
On a Press Meet SP Gajapati Sarah Sharma acknowledged that one Dabad Madam Banua,S/O Late Raghunath Banua of Manikpur under R.Udayagiri PS, complained at Paralakhemundi Model Police Station on 21st March 2020 about missing of their new born baby(son).Informing on details SP Sharma pointed out that Madan admitted his Maternity Care wife Kuri Paik at DHH Paralakhemundi on 18th March 2020.
On 21st March while Kuri was with her new born baby on lactating care, one lady expressed herself as Nurse accompanied by another woman told the Lactating Mother Kuri that the baby had an injury on his head, so for check up she was taking that baby.
But for a long time the distressed couple could not trace about their baby & moved through out hospital.On an aghast dilemma they reported at nearest Model Police Station Paralakhemundi for missing of the baby. Immediately through CCTV Scanner the kidnappers details identified.That lady named Yernagula Madhuri accompanied with Yami Saraswati belong to Baleru village under Battili PS of Srikakulam district taken that baby.
Police arrested both the women along with Madhuri’s Husband Yerngula Kondaya.Interrogation with detail enquiry is on with the regd. case no 66/20 of Model Police Station Paralakhemundi.