Minister For Women & Child Development And Mission Shakti Visits Sundargarh District

Sundargarh, August 23, 2022: Minister for Women & Child Development and Mission Shakti Dept, Govt of Odisha Smt. Basanti Hembram, undertook a day-long tour of Sundargarh District on Tuesday.
During the visit, the Minister reviewed various livelihood programmes for Mission Shakti WSHG members and other initiatives carried out through Anganwadi centres in the district.
The Minister chaired a meeting at the Sadbhavna Bhawan in Sundargarh where she took stock of the progress of various welfare programmes under the Odisha Livelihoods Mission (OLM) and Mission Shakti. She also took briefing on the Spirulina Chikki and Ragi (Millet) Ladoo distribution programme for children carried out through the Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) across the district.
Director ICDS, Shri Aravind Agrawal who was present at the review meeting, directed the CDPOs to link the Aadhaar Card of children aged 0-6 years, expectant and lactating mothers and adolescent girls with Poshan Tracker. He also asked them to set up Nutrition Garden at all Anganwadi centres.
MLA Sundargarh Smt. Kusum Tete and Sundargarh Collector Dr. Parag H. Gavali were present at the meeting.
During her tour of the district, the Minister undertook field review of various public welfare programmes going on at Sundargarh Sadar and Tangarpali block. The Hon’ble Minister visited the Spirulina Chikki manufacturing unit at Rangadhipa in Sundargarh and enquired with the WSHG members, engaged at the unit, about their livelihood issues.
For the rearing of chicken hatchlings, a 5000-bird capacity Brooding and Growing (BG) unit has been constructed by the Gram Panchayat Level Federation (GPLF) at Mahulpali. It is managed by local WSHG members. The hon’ble Minister visited the facility and directly spoke to the WSHG members on their livelihood.
As many as 20 Maternity Waiting Homes (Maa Gruha) have been set up at various hard to reach areas of Sundargarh district to ensure safe institutional delivery. The hon’ble Minister visited the Maternity Waiting Home at Bandhapali in Tangarpali block and enquired about the services provided to expectant and lactating mothers.
Minister also visited the Jayashankar Sebashram at Bolsara and inspected the status of various Govt programmes meant for the convenience of the inmates.
Modern Anganwadi centres, in line with the BaLA model, have been built across the district. The hon’ble Minister visited the Anganwadi centres at Bhabanipur, Zabardastpada and Kirei and enquired issues related to the nourishment and hygiene of children with the Anganwadi workers.
Along with Sundargarh Collector, ZP Chairperson Ms. Kunti Pradhan, Vice Chairman Shri Kamal Lakra, CEO DMF Smt Rita Dang, CDM&PHO Dr. Saroj Kumar Mishra, DSWO Smt Prabasini Chakra were among those who accompanied theMinister during the visit.