Middle-Income Group Worst Affected by two-fold Jerk in Mediclaim Premium


New Delhi:It refers to premium of Mediclaim-policies including by public-sector insurance-companies being almost doubled in last one year after corona-spread. Those in insurance-business reveal that a steep rise in Mediclaim-amounts due to hospitalisation because of corona has led to such steep rise. Those in legislature, judiciary,  government-service and those in higher-income group are not affected by any such rise in Mediclaim-premium. It is the mute category of middle-income people mainly in business and small industries which are worst affected by such sudden heavy jerk in Mediclaim insurance-premium. With steep fall in trade activities and heavy loss of income, many in business an small industries may now not be able to afford Mediclaim insurance premium for themselves and their families.

Even though central government has not been able to understand genuine problems of middle-income people after corona-spread and thus denying this section of society and practical relief, yet at least it can direct Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) to reverse rise in Mediclaim insurance-premiums at least as a token of relief to middle-income people in corona-crisis. After all, insurance-companies should also realise their duty towards public in present days of severe corona-crisis. Even only a part of total hospital-bill is usually allowed as claim by insurance-companies. Instead overheads of public-sector insurance-companies engaged in general insurance should be curbed by merging all the four public-sector companies engaged in general insurance. Central and state governments should further save through replacing system of medical-reimbursements by Mediclaim-policies of families of entitled one.
