Meeting on anti-ragging held

Berhampur:The police have arrested five students including two teenagers and three adult students for being allegedly involved in the ragging incident at Binayak Acharya College Berhmapur on last Thursday decided to expel the 12 students involved in ragging a girl student on Saturday, from the institution,
Keeping in view to avoid further such illegality in other educational institutions on Wednesday a meeting was conducted between Berhampur police and College principals of various colleges of Berhampur at conference hall of SP, Berhampur chaired by Berhampur Superintendent of Police Dr.Saravana Vivek.M,
SP, reiterated that there would be zero tolerance towards ragging at any cost.All the principals committed to take stringent action if noticed
The meeting was attended by 29 different College Principals and few members of Anti Ragging committee.
The following points were elaborately discussed in presence of all Senior Police Officers,IICs’of all Police stations.
It’s resolved that;
Every college should have Anti Ragging committee as per Hon’ble supreme court guidelines.
The committee should be proactive and meet frequently and their contact numbers should be available with the junior students.
Junior students should know whom to report and how to report in case of any ragging.
The Anti Ragging committee should investigate any ragging if reported immediately.
If ragging is found true , Proportionate punishment should be meted out to the student after thorough investigation.
If any criminal act is found during their investigation, Principals should report it to the local police station immediately for further action.
Special police team would be formed to visit and interact with college students periodically