Mazdoor Union on Strike

Paralakhemundi- On behalf of Bharatiya Khet Mazdoor Union 10th state convention held at Gajapati district headquarter Paralakhemundi. At 11am morning led by Comrade Sura Jena moved on rally through out town. Presided by President of BKMU Janna Subas Rao among others Comrade Gulzar Singh Gloria raised wages of labourers minimum ₹700 with all social Security support, for SC & ST landless housing domicile, forest land patta distributiona, ₹5 lakhs for housing, ensure on MGNREGS, old people guarantee of pension @ ₹5000, support through PDS & reduce price hike of essential commodities. Among others President of Odisha NREGA Labour Union Comrade Jayant Das, Comrade Ashis Kanungo Vice President of All India Farmers Association of Odisha state, Bijay Jena AITUC state general secretary, Comrade Dharma Rao Andhrapradesh state leader Comrade Pradip Sethy President of AITUC State, Dr. Nirmal Nayak state Vice President shared their views.