Major Pollution Threat Over Puri Beach (!).


Puri: A major pollution threat hangs over the beach in this tourist town with hoteliers allegedly dumping loads of sewage into the sea.
Black patches can be seen at many places in the once-beautiful beach. Tourists are wary of taking a dip into the sea for fear of contracting skin diseases.Puri Golden Sea Beach how neglected and of bad scenario.
Hope the Tourism department and the district administration will kindly take needful steps to bring a change in the mind of set up and the officials under state government, central government tourism department , pollution control board of state and central government , environment department and others to remove such bad scenario from the Puri beach map for early development of Puri sea beach.
Scribe,DP.Gangully from Puri said. Untidy, smelly and above all heavy rush. I prefer more secluded and clean beaches over this. Visit only if you have no other choice.
Beach is good but too crowded. There are a lot of stalls selling street food and most of the people go to eat, rather than go in the sea.
It Very difficult to get parking too. However, we were there during the peak holiday season, so maybe it is less crowded during lean seasons.