
Loss-making Delhi Milk Scheme (DMS) should be immediately transferred to Amul as per tender-results for best utilisation of DMS resources including its milk-booths

DELHI:Co-operative giant Amul had won over Mother Dairy to take over Delhi Milk Scheme DMS running in heavy losses at an annual lease of rupees 42.30 crore against rupees 42.20 offered by Mother Dairy for 30 years with 7-percent annual increase in lease-amount in the bid opened on 27.11.2018. DMS started in the year 1959 having already piled up losses to tune of rupees 900 crores was decided to be given by central government to some market-leader. 

Presently 566 DMS booths scattered throughout the capital city of India are being grossly misused as private shops by the licensees in corrupt partnership of DMS-personnel by authorisation to sell products other than from DMS. It is to be noted that Mother Dairy booths in Delhi-NCR sell only Mother Dairy products, a big reason for success of Mother Dairy. Mere existence of DMS after launch of Mother Dairy by Central government for Delhi-NCR is in itself wastage of public-resources also through double-spent on overheads.

Central government should urgently lease out DMS to Amul as per bid-terms with the condition that all the 566 DMS booths in Delhi area will sale exclusively Amul products. It will in turn save huge amounts of regular losses in DMS especially at a time when central government must save funds by cutting down unnecessary expenses and losses for fiscal-needs generated because of lock-down and corona-spread. Rather probe may be made and guilty ones punished for not implementing tender-result pending from 27.11.2018 resulting in unnecessary huge expenses on running loss-generating DMS only for corrupt purposes.

Input;Subash Agarwal