Rajesh Mohapatra,Odishabarta
ROURKELA:Our Prime Minister has announced and 21 days Lockdown PAN India which starts from today and the response was positive. But in few cases it is found that few people are roaming around the town for different reasons, some of them for a good reason to have some essential items for their loved ones and few others with vague reasons. Local administration and Police have shown all strictness to follow the highest call Lockdown which is the key to fight Corona. Experts across the globe have already viewed that to control these pandemic infections “Corona Virus” the key is social distancing. This is what few people take a lot of time to understand. People have seen panic in many places of Rourkela to own day-to-day need, i.e. milk, vegetables, grocery and medicines. All the shops have closed except vendors or shop keepers dealing with this. Within a 2-3 hours many shops getting restless with a huge demand. Vegetables prices have gone up and so as price of fruits. Few medicines for patients like terminal disease, i.e. Cancer, Heart Problem, Kidney Problem and Neuro medicines are getting shortage. The important items like Mask, Sanitizer and Hand Globes are out of stock in many pharmacy shops. People are complaining with the outlets to get it but supply chain is disrupted on these items.
After getting complaints from many localities, local administration is making round to check black marketers. Taking into consideration on price hike, Rourkela ADM in a meeting with top officials of Civil Supplies decided the Maximum Retail price of few items, i.e. Arhar Dal, Moong Dal, Masoor Dal, Chana Dal, Biri Dal, Potato and Onion. He has also ordered to take action if any of vendors dealing with these items charging more than the price decided. But taking right action will bring this practice to stop, feels many intellectual of Rourkela. Nevertheless, people response for this 21days long Lockdown going smooth on day-1 and is expecting will have a smooth rode ahead.