Lock-down in red-zones should be extended till 31.05.2020 with normal life restored in corona-free districts to restore with reduced working-hours from 11 am to 5 pm
DELHI:Central and state governments should be unanimous in finally extending lock-down till 31.05.2020 in red-zone areas and cities with regular incoming of new corona-cases. Such lock-down extension is also necessary because of certain urban areas are witnessing huge marketing-crowds without following social-distancing in on-going festive season. Extending lock-down till 31.05.2020 will also cover completion of the said festive season.
Rather lock-down in red zones and cities should be even more strict with order to officers ranking Joint Secretary and above should be withdrawn in view of many government-buildings in capital city of Delhi have to be closed because of some employees working there found corona-positive. It is significant that sub-ordinate staff at all levels have to attend offices though with reduced strength where officers ranking Joint Secretary and above are asked to join offices.
Luckily 300 out of total 725 districts in the country are corona-free. Normal life inside these corona-free districts can be restored with reduced working hours from 11 am to 5 pm with borders of such corona-free districts sealed to avoid any incoming or outgoing in these happy corona-free districts.
However central and state governments should take urgent steps for shifting of desiring stranded workers to their native places from big cities. Job-opportunities should be created in rural areas so that even after lifting of lock-down, congestion in cities may reduce. Such job-opportunities can be created in setting of industrial infrastructure in rural areas of each district of the country by giving incentives to private companies to set up industries in rural areas. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation IRCTC can set up units in each district of the country for production of packed food-products including bakery items and mineral water which can be used to replace cooked food under mid-day school-meals and trains apart from marketing through milk-booths and other private outlets. IRCTC can generate funds for such units through long-term tradeable bonds.
#Input;Subash Agarwal
(Guinness Record Holder )