List Published for Panchayat Election in Koraput

Uttam Nayak,Odishabarta

 Koraput, 8/10:List for Panchayat election is published on today. The Koraput district administration has started preparations for the panchayat elections.  Koraput District Magistrate Abdal M. Akhtar said the 19th hearing of the reservation of 27 district council zones, 270 panchayats and 273 ward member seats would be held in 14 blocks of the district.  Notices will be issued to the panchayat office, block and subdivision office to ensure that all seats are reserved.  “If anyone has any objections, the final list will be sent to the government after the complaint is received from the 19th,” he said.  The list of seats will be published at the Senai district level, which seats will be reserved for whom.  The list will be published for the protection of ward members, sarpanches, committee members, block chairmen and district council members.  So anyone who wants to be a ward member, sarpanch, committee member, block chairman can object on the 18th.  Complaints will be heard by the district attorney by the 21st and resolved.  The final list will be released on the 28th.  Similarly, Zilla Parishad members can file a complaint by the 19th if they object to the reservation.  The hearing will be held on the 22nd and will be resolved by the district attorney.  The final list will be released on the 29th with the approval of the government.  The reservation list for the district council chairperson will be released on the 19th.  The district commissioner said the process would be completed and handed over to the state election commission.