Liquor should be Sold Only on Aadhar Cards


Liquor should be sold only on Aadhar cards with all types of subsidy and cash-reliefs cancelled for those purchasing liquor on Aadhar cards.

New Delhi:Central and state governments should take effective steps so that at least poor people may not be consuming harmful liquor which in turns causes hardships for their families. Opening of liquor shops during lockdown in the year 2020 during first phase of corona-wave by some state-governments for meeting fiscal-crisis for public-exchequers witnessed long queues and crowds on liquor shops. It was also observed that many poor persons were also eager to purchase liquor. It cannot be ruled out that many having got case-relief of rupees 500 in their bank-accounts from central government for meeting corona-crisis, might also been amongst those lining for purchase of liquor.

Liquor should be sold only on production of Aadhar cards, and every type of government-subsidy or cash-relief through bank-transfer should be abolished on those purchasing liquor through their Aadhar cards irrespective of their being poor. It is unfair for tax-payers that their hard-earned contribution to public-exchequers may be provided to those who can afford luxury of purchase of liquor. It may be recalled that NDA had returned to power in Bihar because women in the state unitedly voted for Nitish-led government having implemented prohibition in the state.

Input;Subash Agarwal,Guinness Record Holder.