Lingaraj Panda IAS, Collector on Vision for Gajapati

Odisha Barta Talked with New Collector of Gajapati,Mr.Lingaraj Panda IAS on Vision Gajapati. Our district representative Bhagabat Padhi had a nice time with him

OB- Welcome to Gajapati district. Namaskar & Congratulation for new Placement
OB- May we know about your family & other details Please (?)
LP-I am son of Mr. Susant Kumar Panda & Mrs. Ava Acharya. I am born at Cuttack on 20th April, 1989.
OB-About your education & Career (?).
LP-After completion of studies joined in CRPF & Income Tax department.
OB-But your passion towards Civil Services (?)
LP-Yes, that indeed a miracle. I, have been inspired by R.Vineel Krishna,Collector of Malkangiri.His sound & discipline administration lifted me to tussle for Civil Service Exam. Where I could be successful on 2015. Surprisingly my first posting indeed at Malkangiri as Sub Collector & later on as PD DRDA.
OB-This might be as stepping stone to carry on development scenarios in that backward district.
LP- I, cherished with my mission on development, though jinx of radical movement. I could wholeheartedly identified issues and sorted out then & there. I could gain bitter experience to move on development as pivot task.
OB-Now you joined as Collector of Gajapati, how do you feel?
LP-I prepared myself to move surrounding areas identify key issues to merge towards development. More so I had a dream to visit Lord Parsuram at Mahendragiri historical & mythological epic. That could be successful.
OB-Since joining you started forthwith your tour program on those hard core issue areas like Kashinagar & Gangabada.How did you analyze the situation (?)
LP-Yes indeed nice question (!). I visited Kashinagar block & visited those expected chaos on displaced villagers under Vanshadhar Project. I have been acknowledged about their sufferings. After returned from Kashinagar, I talked with Chief Secretary & acknowledged this matter. Now things have been sorted out. Secondly visited Gangabada & got informed on situation. With block & Tehsil staff road map to be made for their livelihoods & other infrastructure proposals.
OB-You are keener on Horticulture development being the key resources of 5 scheduled blocks where agriculture cultivable land missing. About their progress anything do you plan (?)
LP- l am keen on development of those backward community who depend on horticulture production. I have a plan to streamline their accessable resources not only more productions like mango, pineapple, and jackfruit but also their fruit processing & marketing as value addition which will enhance their livelihoods. I also planned to make a blueprint project on this sector to reach at unreach areas to change their socio-economic dynamics.
OB-You came from Head of OAV on your previous posting. That inculcate your mission towards mainstreaming education. Here as backward district how are you planning (?)
LP-At Paralakhemundi Super-30 started. I want to make it widespread in all blocks. That will be gained brainstorming among those backward students particularly who are depriving on higher education.
OB-Regarding Online teachings too huddle particularly on those hilly terrain area blocks, about them your challenges (?)
LP-Panchayat as cluster there online through inter net can be remedial measures. I also gave charge to PA ITDA, as Nodal Officer to eclipse such offspring & scopes for better online learning to be enhanced.
OB-Any suggestion (?)
LP-Livelihoods & education are both sides of coin.This will be strong parameter on development scenario.I feel better team work can reach our goal.
OB-Thank you Dear, for giving your valuable time on various features even on holiday. Odishabarta believe for good work on your new assignment. Namaskar