Let’s not keep the people in dark

By;Prof.Dr.Narayan Mishra
Posted by;Odishabarta
In view of increased number of local transmissions in our community and in the private hospitals, at this stage we should only work strategically basing on the known scientific background.
This is high time to take up pooled test for COVID-19 within 2 weeks in the entire state of Odisha on war footing basis to know the exact stage of infectivity. At the same time the facilities for rtPCR and rapid antigen study should be made available in private recognised laboratories for the general public in a reasonable price as per the ICMR guide line. This is the need of the hour.
Authorities shouldn’t keep the public in dark about the spread of infection. The truth is the more effective method to make the people more concerned & more cautious about their own health which will be beneficial for the entire community.
All the private clinics (not the hospitals) should be closed for the time being at the present situation which is the primary care centre for all people. It is the tendency of all the people to go to the local clinic first and these clinics don’t maintain the needed stringent policies for segregation of suspected COVID-19 patients. Inadequate reporting, disinfection, staffs and infrastructure makes it a vulnerable place for spread of infection. At the same time all the private hospitals should be inspected for the adequacy of all measures to handle the patients and certified to run the hospital.
All the migrant workers entering the state should be tested for COVID-19 at the entry.
Now it is quite evident form the world scenario that this infection is going to linger for quite some time with resurgence of infection in absence of specific drug and vaccine. All the teaching institution for children should remain closed till the availability of specific vaccine for COVID-19.
More emphasis is being given only for elderly people. But what about younger people with comorbidities? The percentage of younger people in our country is very high & they make our country capital of the World in Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and so on. Are we in readiness to tackle them? What will be the future of our younger people in absence of the exact knowledge regarding the status of COVID-19 in our community (?).
Hope can be a powerful force, especially in difficult times. Today, the Nation is facing the coronavirus crisis, a pandemic that has changed life for millions of people. Many who are locked at home, others who are working to help and prevent the virus, also need the reassurance and the hope that “we shall overcome this”.
Now it is high time to review our strategy with transparency without any prejudice. Let the policies follow the trend of the infection.
Prof.Dr.Narayan Mishra.MD;FIAB;FICAAI;FICS;FIRD;FIAMS;FNCCP(I);FRCP(Glasgo);FCCP(USA).President Indian Chest Society 2011-12.President National College of Chest Physicians(India)2015-16.Past Governor Rotary International-RID-3262